Welcome to our Planning Policy and Housing Strategy newsletter. The aim of this is to update you on our work, let you know how to become involved and how to have your say.
We still continue to welcome comments and participation as to the scope of the reviewed plan, work is continuing to progress on producing a draft plan which looks to address the climate emergency declaration. More details here.
In Lancaster City Council's recently adopted Local Plan Policy SG5 of the Strategic Policies and Land Allocations DPD states that development in the Canal Quarter should be brought forward in the context of a Development Framework to be prepared in the form of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It goes on to state that the Framework should build on the direction of Local Plan policy and support the phased regeneration of the area. More details here.
The Lancaster Local Plan contains policies which set out requirements for housing development, including the amount of affordable housing, housing mix and type, rural housing to meet local identified needs, rural workers dwellings, older people and gypsy and traveller sites. The draft SPD does not add new policies or requirements to the existing Local Plan, it simply provides additional guidance on the detail and criteria within these policies. More details here.
Policies in the Lancaster Local Plan require the provision of affordable housing and contributions to support infrastructure such as schools and open or recreational spaces. In some cases, developers seek to reduce the provision of affordable housing and contributions because they mean that development is not viable. The draft SPD sets out overarching principles for how the council will approach development viability, it provides guidance on the details that we will expect to be included in viability assessments and the councils approach to considering viability matters. It seeks to ensure consistency in submissions and greater transparency as required by the National Planning Policy Framework. More details here...
The next step of a major consultation to help shape proposals for the Bailrigg Garden Village (BGV) has been launched. Expert master planners JTP have been appointed by Lancaster City Council to work collaboratively with the community, relevant organisations, landowners and prospective developers on the creation of a masterplan for the BGV. More details here.
Many thanks