It is timely to remind neighbourhoods how to respond to suspicious activity, particularly in the rural areas.
- Be alert to suspicious activity such as vehicles parked in field gateways or people with dogs being dropped off in remote parts in cars. This can happen at any time of day or night.
- Watch out for drones - thieves use them to survey likely targets but do not try to disable a flying drone.
- If a suspected incident of poaching, hare coursing, theft or vandalism is in progress, call 999.
- If an incident is not on-going, call 101 or report it on-line.
- If you wish to remain anonymous you can report it on Crimestoppers, who can be contacted 24/7, 365 days a year, online at or by phone on 0800 555 111.
- When reporting the incident, give as much detail as possible, such as numbers of people involved, type of vehicles used and registrations, dogs and if there are any firearms seen or heard being discharged.
- Try to pinpoint the location as best you can. There are apps that can help with this including what3words.
- Ask the call handler for an incident or log number and ask that the rural crime team are informed.
- Do not approach any individuals you think are engaged in suspicious activity, avoid any confrontation and never put yourself at risk.
Remember if rural crime is not reported to the Police then there is nothing we can do about it.
Message Sent By
Nick Baxter (Police, PCSO, Morecambe Rural, Overton & Middleton)

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